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Philadelphia Immigration Lawyer > Philadelphia Crime Victims Immigration Lawyer

Philadelphia Crime Victims Immigration Lawyer

Although crime victims suffer in silence, they often have important information that government authorities need to solve crimes. Fortunately, Congress has recognized the plight many crime victims face, and the U.S. has created two visa programs for crime victims: Visas U and T. These visa programs provide an incentive for victims to assist law enforcement, and some visa recipients will be able to seek a green card so they can stay permanently in the United States.

If you were victimized by human trafficking, involuntary servitude, or another qualifying crime, you might seek a visa. For assistance, please contact Ellenberg Law Group today. One of our Philadelphia crime victims immigration lawyers will review your situation and recommend the appropriate actions to take.

U Visa

You can seek this visa to come to the United States and help law enforcement solve crimes. The visa allows you to stay in the United States for up to 4 years, though duration depends on the circumstances.

There are 28 qualifying crimes. Some of the most important include:

  • Abduction
  • Domestic violence
  • Hostage-taking
  • Involuntary servitude
  • Kidnapping
  • Manslaughter
  • Murder
  • Rape
  • Sexual assault

Not all crime victims will be approved. In addition to suffering serious mental or physical abuse, you must provide valuable information to the investigating authorities. The crime must be one the U.S. authorities can investigate, which means it must happen in the U.S. or be connected to the U.S. in some capacity. A maximum 10,000 U visas are available each year.

U visas are also available for qualifying family members, such as your spouse and unmarried minor children. You can work in the U.S. with this visa and, after three years, seek a green card.

T Visa

If you were trafficked into the United States, you might seek a T visa. Trafficking includes more than being abducted into the U.S. It also includes being deceived, abused, threatened, or coerced into forced labor, involuntary servitude, prostitution, or pornography.

For example, someone might have promised you a job in the U.S. but, once you arrived, they refused to pay you and threatened you not to go to the police. Similarly, you are trafficked if you were recruited to come to the U.S. to work as a prostitute or in the porn industry.

You can seek a T visa if you cooperate with law enforcement and show extreme hardship if you’re denied the visa. Certain family members can also seek derivative visas giving them the right to come and live with you. You can also work in the U.S. with a T visa and eventually apply for a green card.

Assisting Crime Victims Come to the U.S.

Ellenberg Law Group understands the difficulties crime victims face. We also understand the process for seeking a visa to come to the U.S. and assist law enforcement. The application process requires substantial paperwork, which many crime victims are too distressed to collect. Please contact our law firm. One of our Philadelphia crime victims lawyers can analyze your chances of coming to the U.S. successfully and complete required paperwork.

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